create group

uxat groups are shared chat rooms for a specific purpose. Discuss particular subjects like anime, gaming, music, technology, news and more. Create a chat for your friends, community, country or city.Explore existing groups.

Name you wish to be addressed by in emails
A-Z, a-z, 0-9 only (e.g. AllAboutCats)
20-50 letters
Separated by commas.Tags?
At least 6 letters, case sensitive, A-Z, a-z, 0-9 only.DO NOT SHARE!
This must be a valid email address to activate your group

edit group login

If you're added as main owner, you can log in with your account password (wiki)

edit group




previewpreview savesave

Changes may take up to 30 mins to go live

previewpreview savesave

Changes may take up to 30 mins to go live

You can change case only
20-50 letters
Separated by comma.Tags?
Language for promotion and lists (wiki)
Requires a https url to work with Chrome (wiki)
Add another group on your chat tab (wiki)

additional options
Default to HTML5 chatpreview
Don't include this chat box on any lists or charts
Make this chat for members only
Make this chat for registered users and members only
Make this chat for subscribers and members only
Do not store chat messages on any lists or on the chat
Try to stop users unbanning themselves (note: this may gag innocent users) (wiki)
Don't display the line of smilies
Turn off default chat box sounds
Make chat background image transparent (may require copy/paste embed code)
Make guests watch the chat as spectators (wiki)
previewpreview savesave

Changes may take up to 30 mins to go live

Assigned powers
No results found
add new main owner
Add a user as main owner (wiki)
Adding selective edit group permissions requires Main power (wiki)

your main owners
To backup/restore users you needManagepower
Change your group password here
Get your main owner rank back

All chat ranks will be reset
To cease managing this group and delete your info (wiki)

chat events for: Group does not exist

or search for another group

eventssearchSearch chat events (wiki)

eventstatsChat event statistics (wiki)



#Time (GMT)ID1Name1TypeID2Name2DurationText
No results found

uxatframe library